Australian Industrial Relations – 3rd Edition
Stanley Petzall, B.A. (Hons.), LLB (Hons) M.Sc, Grad. Dip. Pers. Man., PhD, Barrister and Solicitor, is a senior lecturer in the postgraduate Deakin Business School at Deakin University. He has extensive teaching experience at both undergraduate and MBA levels. He teaches organisational behaviour, industrial relations, comparative and international human resource management and business law. His recent research interests include comparative industrial relations and management in the Asian region, leadership and behavioural aspects of finance. He has consulted to a number of large organisations. Keith Abbott, B.A. (Hons.), PhD (Cambridge) is a Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Business and Law at the Geelong Campus of Deakin University. He is the Unit Chair of Industrial Relations and also teaches Human Resource Management and International and Comparative HRM. He has worked in construction, mining and manufacturing in Australia, Britain, Papua New Guinea and Sweden. He has also been a trade union activist, political studies fellow within the Australian Federal Parliament, and has written numerous articles on European and transnational trade unionism. The Late Nils Timo, B.A., Grad. Dip., MPhil, PhD, was a senior lecturer in the School of Marketing and Management at Griffith University, Gold Coast Queensland, where he taught Industrial Relations and Health and Safety Management. He had a background of over 20 years in industrial relations private practice and was a former Industrial Advocate for the Australian Workers Union. His research interests included wages policy, award restructuring and enterprise bargaining, managerial strategies and organisational change. Add this to your Shopping Cart
Australian Industrial Relations
3rd Edition, Eruditions Publishing, Melbourne, 2007.
Papercover, 462 pages, 200 mm x 270 mm.
ISBN 978 1864910148 RRP AU$ 89.95
[Postage/Handling: Within Australia AU$15; International, AU$25 Air Mail] -
Australian Industrial Relations in an Asian Context, 3rd Edition, is a fully updated revision of this successful, widely adopted core textbook on Industrial Relations. It covers all the essential material for any tertiary level course: the theories, history, institutions and practices. It is thoroughly referenced and each chapter has learning objectives, review questions and key additional readings. There are case studies and a sample AWA. A new lay-out improves readability. In this 3rd edition, two key additions include a thorough coverage of the Work Choices Act 2005 and, in the comparative Asian material at the end of most chapters, Australia's new major trading partner, the People's Republic of China.
This new edition covers some of the most important and far-reaching changes occurring in Australia today, including: the controversial Work Choices Act 2005 with its extensive changes to working conditions and our IR institutional structure, plus the High Court decision on the States and unions challenge to its validity. The book also covers enterprise-level employee relations; enterprise bargaining, what it is, how it is done, and the impact it is having; the reasons behind the steep decline in union membership; the erosion of collective bargaining; the new Human Resource Management strategies of employers; the Patrick v. MUA waterfront dispute (who really won, now the dust has settled and a TV version has been filmed?); the role of multinational corporations and influential employer associations like the Business Council of Australia, and much more. Lastly, and unique to this text, it helps place everything in our regional context, by including in most chapters a comparative coverage of five selected, economically significant Asian countries: South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan and the People's Republic of China.
The authors are all highly qualified academics with extensive practical experience in the tough world of industrial relations. They also all teach IR, so understand the needs of contemporary students.
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Australian Industrial Relations
3rd Edition, Eruditions Publishing, Melbourne, 2007.
Papercover, 462 pages, 200 mm x 270 mm.
ISBN 978 1864910148 RRP AU$ 89.95
[Postage/Handling: Within Australia AU$15; International, AU$25 Air Mail]
Case Study: The Australian Waterfront Dispute, 1998 (Updated to 2007) Case Study: CRA Individual Contracts and Strategic HRM 1. Conceptual and Analytical Tools 10. Negotiation Skills 2. Industrial Conflict 11. Equity in Industrial Relations 3. Management and Industrial Relations 12. Multinational Corporations 4. Employer Assocations 13. Five Selected South East Asian Countries 5. Trade Unions: Structures, Functions and Future Appendix I: Sample AWA 6. The State and Industrial Relations References 7. The Law and Industrial Relations Index to References by Author 8. From Centralised Wage Fixation to Enterprise Bargaining Index 9. Enterprise Bargaining and Labour Markets 462 pp Pprcvr ISBN 978 1864910148 $89.95 3/2007
Add this to your Shopping Cart
Australian Industrial Relations
3rd Edition, Eruditions Publishing, Melbourne, 2007.
Papercover, 462 pages, 200 mm x 270 mm.
ISBN 978 1864910148 RRP AU$ 89.95
[Postage/Handling: Within Australia AU$15; International, AU$25 Air Mail]
Key Features
- Most up-to-date Industrial Relations textbook available
- Covers Work Choices Act 2005 in details and its impact
- Covers the High Court challenge to Work Choices Act 2005
- Asian comparative material now includes the People's Republic of China
- Fully updated to 2007
- New more readable format
- Full coverage of all areas for all introductory industrial relations courses
- Includes theories, history, institutions, practices
- Readable and user friendly, including diagrams and tables
- Fully referenced and indexed
- Full chapter on Enterprise Bargaining and Australian Labour Market
- Discusses new Human Resource Management strategies
- Includes case studies on Australian Waterfront Dispute and CRA Dispute
- Comparative Asian material is separate: at the end of each chapter (and in chapter 13)
- Comparative material on Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Malaysia and China
- Includes negotiation chapter for most students not proceeding to a Negotiation unit
- Sample Australian Workplace Agreement
- Each chapter has learning objectives, review questions, key additional readings
- Sequentially numbered pages!
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Australian Industrial Relations
3rd Edition, Eruditions Publishing, Melbourne, 2007.
Papercover, 462 pages, 200 mm x 270 mm.
ISBN 978 1864910148 RRP AU$ 89.95
[Postage/Handling: Within Australia AU$15; International, AU$25 Air Mail]
In General
The workplace is an important part of most people’s lives. It is also undergoing enormous change in Australia today. Much of what many took for granted about employment has already changed. Union membership has never been so low. Industrial laws have never been so tough. The centralised wage fixing system that most Australians grew up with has been severely restricted, and is now being phased out altogether. Standard working conditions, which once enjoyed the virtual status of law under the Award system, are no longer certain. New laws and practices founded on economic rationalism are changing the face of Australian industrial relations. New terms like employee relations, labour flexibility, individual contracts and enterprise bargaining are the language of today’s workplace. Rarely before has the study of industrial relations had such a significant and practical relevance as it does today.
It is important, therefore, for future employees and managers to have some understanding of industrial relations in the current climate of change. Rapid globalisation of national economies and the growth of multinational corporations throughout the world is forcing greater competitiveness and new approaches to the management of labour. In Australia, the conservative coalition Federal Government has responded to calls by business leaders to speed up the decentralisation of traditional bargaining frameworks. With much reduced union power and more pro-active labour-management strategies, employees need to have some understanding of how the workplace changes affect them. Employees need to understand how to protect their existing rights and get the best deal in bargaining with their employers. For employers, the climate of change is creating new challenges and opportunities in the management of labour. It is equally important, therefore, that managers and employers have an understanding of the current changes if their organisations are to function harmoniously and profitably.
About the Third Edition
The third edition is a fully revised an updated version of this successful general introduction to Australian industrial relations. The book is designed as an introductory text for students of industrial relations at Australian universities and other post-secondary institutions. It is suitable for second or third level undergraduate programs, as well as postgraduate coursework programs. As in the second edition, the book is thoroughly referenced and each chapter has learning objectives, review questions and a list of key additional readings for the better student. A change of format is designed to improve readability. There is an extensive bibliography, as well as an index of references by author.
Changes to the third edition include the latest local and international statistics and research, a greater emphasis on labour markets and enterprise bargaining, and the inclusion of the People’s Republic of China in the comparative Asian material at the end of most chapters. Of course, the book’s greatest changes involves the inclusion of the radical new industrial relations system introduced under the Work Choices Act 2005. The new legislation seeks to further decentralise industrial relations, to further reduce the already limited power and workplace rights of unions, and to place greater emphasis on individual Australian Workplace Agreements. The role of the Australian Industrial Relations Commission in dispute settlement has also been further curtailed, while a new body, the Australian Fair Pay Commission, has been set up to take over the AIRC’s traditional role of determining minimum wages. The role of state industrial tribunals has been drastically reduced in favour of a single national system. The Work Choices Act 2005 survived a High Court constitutional challenge in 2006, which is discussed in the text. As the new system gradually becomes operative over the next few years, as awards are completely phased out, it has the potential to re-shape the whole industrial relations landscape. The book contains a through analysis of the new Act, and examines the probable impact of the new legislation.
The contents of the book are still structured along the lines of many traditional courses, moving from broad theoretical concepts to the major actors, processes and procedures, and finally to outcomes. However, this book also differs from traditional approaches. First, it continues to communicate the very real and sometimes exciting, sometimes bewildering, changes occurring in the workplace. For example, the book contains an updated look at the high profile case study on the waterfront dispute, MUA vs. Patrick. Who actually won after the dust settled? Second, there is more than the usual exploration of the various theories of industrial relations, providing students with strong intellectual tools to analyse later material. Third, perhaps this book’s most important unique feature is its focus on the Asian regional context. This helps every student participate in the industrial relations debate with greater objectivity and understanding. A final significant feature of the book is the detailed coverage it provides on the practice of industrial relations. There are several case studies, and a sample Australian Workplace Agreement. There are an important chapters on Enterprise Bargaining and Labour Markets and workplace change in Australia, which includes a substantial analysis of the actual content and consequences of enterprise agreements in Australia today. It also includes a practical guide on how to engage in the enterprise bargaining process. There is also a brief chapter on negotiation to give some exposure to the majority of students who will not go on to study a full negotiation unit. The implications of the shift towards more AWA’s in many areas are also explored.
The Asian Context
We are mindful of the fact that many Asian students undertake management courses in Australian universities and, in so doing, undertake labour management units as part of their degrees. We are also mindful that many Australian managers are looking to establish firms in Asia or are having increasing contact with managers in this region. For both these reasons, this book also covers industrial relations practices in five selected, economically significant countries:
Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore and the People’s Republic of China. China is a significant addition to the book, in recognition of the increasing importance of the world’s most populous country as a trading partner and source of supply of international students in Australian universities. It is hoped that this material will make the course more relevant to students from these countries.
Whilst the book sets out to look at the industrial relations systems of six countries in total, the student should be aware that this is not a comparative study. Such a study is beyond the scope of an introductory industrial relations text. The authors have tried to ensure that the book covers all major relevant Australian material, as well as English-written sources dealing with the industrial relations issues pertinent to the five selected Asian countries.
As in previous editions, there are also a set of overhead transparencies available on disk to adopting lecturers.
Stanley Petzall, Keith Abbott, Nils Timo
January 2007On-line teaching assistance
For lecturers adopting this book (and their students), an on-line website is available. Just go to: www.eruditions.com/IR
The site contains additional material to keep you up to date and add interest to your course. It also contains valuable teaching resources, links and additional content, such as material on industrial democracy and wage fixing in the four selected Asian countries. The value of a website is that it can be updated regularly, so do not hesitate to drop by.
Online Support
This page will be updated at frequent intervals. For lecturers adopting the text, there will be access to supplementary teaching materials, resouces, links and so on. If you do not already have your inspection copy of this text, click here. Note also that a set of Overhead Transparencies as Power Point Slides is available for lecturers on CDROM. Additional text material (to view or download these text files, click on them): The Fair Employment Bill (Vic) 2000 Wage Fixation and Policy in 5 Asian countries (unedited) Industrial Democracy (unedited) MUA dispute: What has happened since? What has Patrick and P&O had to say? Follow this link to Channel 9's 'Sunday' interviews with key Waterfront Dispute leaders. Channel 9 'Sunday' Interviews - Links Industrial Relations Website Links: Lots of places to expand and research industrial relations topics. Need more material on negotiation? This may help: Skills for Resolving Conflict Need ideas to improve student learning? Try this: Facilitating Learning, Practical Strategies
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Australian Industrial Relations
3rd Edition, Eruditions Publishing, Melbourne, 2007.
Papercover, 462 pages, 200 mm x 270 mm.
ISBN 978 1864910148 RRP AU$ 89.95
[Postage/Handling: Within Australia AU$15; International, AU$25 Air Mail]
Students and lecturers alike will find much topical and interesting material on these and other websites. Some sites, such as the ACTU and AIRC have excellent historical details of Australian Industrial Relations. Many of the sites below have links to other associated sites.
Government, Political Parties, Lobby Groups
Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations www.dewr.gov.au The Australian Labor Party www.alp.org.au The Liberal Pary of Australia www.liberal.org.au Ausralian Parliament House (including Hansard Reports) www.aph.gov.au The Australian Industrial and Arbitration Commission www.airc.gov.au The Office of Employment Advocate www.oea.gov.au NSW Dept of Industrial Relations www.industrialrelations.nsw.gov.au Workchoices website (pay and conditions under federal system) www.workchoices.gov.au Search industry awards (Commonwealth & State) www.wagenet.gov.au Unions
The Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) www.actu.asn.au Liquor, Hospitality and Miscell.Workers Union (incl. many student employment workplaces) www.lhmu.org.au Australian Services Union www.asu.asn.au Australian Workers Union www.awu.net.au Employer Associations
The Business Council of Australia (BCA) www.bca.com.au The Australian Industry Group (AIG) www.aigroup.asn.au Victorian Employers Chamber of Commerce and Industry www.vecci.org.au Other
Australian Safety and Compensation Council (incl. OHS matters) www.ascc.gov.au Commonwealth Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission www.hreoc.gov.au Workcover in Victoria (Victorian workers comp. insurance scheme) www.workcover.vic.gov.au Victorian Human Rights Commission (incl. Victorian EEO) www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au HR Nicholls Society (a conservative 'thinktank'/ lobby group) www.hrnicholls.com.au
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Australian Industrial Relations
3rd Edition, Eruditions Publishing, Melbourne, 2007.
Papercover, 462 pages, 200 mm x 270 mm.
ISBN 978 1864910148 RRP AU$ 89.95
[Postage/Handling: Within Australia AU$15; International, AU$25 Air Mail]
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Australian Industrial Relations
3rd Edition, Eruditions Publishing, Melbourne, 2007.
Papercover, 462 pages, 200 mm x 270 mm.
ISBN 978 1864910148 RRP AU$ 89.95
[Postage/Handling: Within Australia AU$15; International, AU$25 Air Mail]
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